February is Heart Healthy Month

By Dr. Barbara Entsuah (Med). Family Medicine.

February is known as Heart Healthy Month and also as Chocolate Month in some places; it is also when Valentine Day is celebrated with flowers, chocolate and lingerie gifts.  In this month, women are “to listen to their hearts and speak up for their health”.  In women in high resource countries, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, it is not just a disease of men.  In Sub-Saharan Africa, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the highest cause of death in adults over the age of 45 years.

There are known risk factors for heart disease and below are some of them:


High BP is a major risk factor and it is known as Hypertension (HTN).  To reduce the effect of this risk, one has to check BP regularly after the age of 21 years. The new normal BP is less than 120/80 and 140/90 is regarded as Stage 2 Hypertension now. Stage 1 Hypertension is between the two numbers. Life style changes: like exercising/physical activity at least 3 days of the week, eating healthy as described below and weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight/BMI are all encouraged. Controlling Hypertension with Medication(s) is very important and since it is a chronic condition, one does not stop taking their BP medications without consulting your health care provider. Aiming for BP readings less than 130/80 is ideal for most people on medications, especially those with Diabetes, Kidney disease or coronary artery disease (blockage in vessels supplying the heart). When BP is between 130-139/80-89, depending on your risk factors you may be prescribed lifestyle changes or started on medications.


Maintaining a healthy weight and a BMI of 25 or less is highly recommended. Life style changes, medications and weight loss surgery are some of the ways used to help people


Unhealthy foods including frequent fast foods, excessive fatty foods, and sugary drinks, increase other risk factors mentioned above, and so eating healthy foods reduces your risk of heart disease. Portion control is necessary and using a small plate or bowl helps with this. Eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables coupled with reduction of starches or carbohydrates is helpful. Limiting salt in the diet is important especially in Black individuals. Healthy proteins, mainly plant based ones, following a diet called the DASH Diet (google it) helps with BP, while Mediterranean Diet helps with Obesity, Diabetes, Heart and Blood vessel diseases, Stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s Disease, increased longevity, and healthy aging.  In addition, eating more plant based Protein foods like nuts (including nut pastes) and seeds – e.g. Pumpkin, Melon, and Sesame, Legumes and Beans – all beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, tofu, soyabeans, are recommended together with leafy greens like spinach and all salad leaves. Animal based proteins like fish, chicken (Skinless), eggs, low fat dairy, are healthy, but one should limit red meat,(beef, mutton and pork), sugars, alcohol, and highly processed foods.


If hardening/blockage of the arteries of the heart (coronary artery disease) runs in your family- e.g., if father, brother, mother, or sister has had this especially at age of less than 50 years, then you may be at increased risk and so take charge of your heart and work on reducing other risk factors.


Men are at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and women after menopause have higher risk than Premenopausal women. Any person older than 50 years is also at high risk. Chronic stress, negative mental and psychologic health and even social isolation increase risk of Heart Disease.


Smoking is a high risk factor causing cholesterol to line the blood vessels of the heart and cause narrowing of the blood vessels.


Lowering of all modifiable risk factors through life style changes discussed above and taking medications when needed all help in lowering the risk for heart disease. Maintain positive mental health including social interaction with friends. Your health is in your hands, 👏🏾👏🏾and you may need to make an appointment with your health care provider (when you are not having any symptoms) to discuss screening for Cardiovascular disease. Blood work/labs, ECG, or Ultrasound of your heart (Echo) may be ordered depending on your personal risk factors.

Take Charge of your Heart ♥ ♥♥. Start by taking Baby steps. It is possible 🥰🥰🙏🏾🙏🏾

Share this with your friends and family. Heart and Vascular Diseases kill and disable many.


Dr. Barbara Entsuah is a Board Certified Family Medicine Physician and Vice President of “Gateway of Hope Inc,” which provides free medical clinics and health education in Ghana and Florida. She initiated a Women’s Health Fair in Accra and conducts Breast and Cervical Cancer screenings in churches and markets. Dr. Entsuah is a prolific author and speaker on various health topics and holds a masters degree in Community Nutrition